The Dairy Barn Arts Center is dedicated to remaining a safe and welcoming place for our visitors, and your health and safety are our top priorities. In preparation for reopening, we have developed new policies and procedures that will help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The plan outlined below is in alignment with current official health and government recommendations and may change based on these recommendations at any time.
- Masks may be required in our facility following updated guidance by the CDC. Thank you for helping keep arts access available and as safe as possible for everyone.
- Frequently touched surfaces are cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.
- Staff, students and guests who are sick or exhibit symptoms of illness are instructed to remain home.
- Social distancing is encouraged whenever possible at 3’ or greater. If this is not possible, contact should be brief and all extra safety precautions should be considered.
- Hand washing and sanitizing should be done frequently and thoroughly including upon arrival, after bathroom usage, and before and after contact with shared items.
- It is everyone’s responsibility to keep the office environment safe. Staff should remind others of safety policies, help sanitize the building, and be proactive in maintaining a safe, healthy, and friendly environment.