Please check back here after March 15th for revisions regarding Summer Art Camp 2022. (Below is the 2021 COVID-19 Plan.)
Our top priority is to keep campers and their families safe, while encouraging an engaging art experience for youth in our community. In preparation for camp this year, we have developed new policies and procedures that will help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The plan outlined below is in alignment with current official health and government recommendations and may change based on these recommendations at any time.
How will we keep campers safe?
Campers will be broken into small pods and will stay with their pod throughout the day.
We are offering full days of camp only this year, to help prevent pods from overlapping during lunch and between morning and afternoon sessions.
Masks will be required while students are not eating or participating in socially distantanced outdoor activities.
Outdoor activities will be heavily emphasized this year, with carefully thought-out rain plans. Indoor activities will be divided by pod, socially distanced, and ventilated with open windows when possible.
Our physical spaces will be set up to make social distancing easy and possible. This includes spread out tables, extra supplies to discourage sharing, markers on the floor, and physical dividers if needed.
Parents will be asked at check-in if their children have had any symptoms, and children who are sick will be asked to stay home for an amount of time recommended by the health department. If full weeks of camp need to be missed, Summer Art Camp @ Home remote boxed activities will be provided as an alternative.
What should parents do in preparation for camp?
Plan on sending hand sanitizer and multiple well-fitting masks with your camper. We will also have extra masks and hand sanitizer on-site, but sending some with your camper will encourage consistent usage.
Have an honest conversation about your child’s ability to follow COVID safety procedures such as mask wearing, hand washing, and social distancing. If your child struggles to follow these procedures consistently and carefully, this may not be the best year to send your child to camp.
Plan on symptom monitoring. No risks should be taken when it comes to symptoms. If a child is not feeling well, they will be asked to stay at home. COVID symptoms may vary in both severity and presentation, so it is important to err on the side of caution.
What happens if a camper becomes sick?
Art education continues in the event of an absence. The Dairy Barn will not be able to give refunds or vouchers for other programs for missed days due to illness or quarantine requirements. Instead, a camper has the opportunity to participate in our Art Camp at Home program. Take home Art Camp kits will be issued for each day of camp that is missed due to illness, Covid-19 or Covid-like symptoms.
Expect clear communication about possible exposure. In the event of a positive (or probable) Covid case amongst campers or staff, The Dairy Barn will consult with the Athens City-County Health Department to determine any close contacts that will need to participate in quarantine protocol. With social distancing and the pod arrangement it is possible that regular camp activities may be minimally disrupted by an occurrence of Covid. Be assured that all parents/guardians will receive prompt and thorough notification should any incidence of Covid occur during camp and the most accurate information from the Health Department will be conveyed about the situation.